Top 5 Myths About Mentoring

Top 5 Myths About Mentoring

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by Gracey Cantalupo

April 20, 2023

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Mentoring is a proven strategy that anyone can use to learn new skills, sharpen old skills, network and grow in their career. Those benefits don’t just live within the mentee. When mentoring relationships are built from the ground up with a thoughtful and purposeful design, the wins extend outward across the companies that create those mentoring cultures.

Mentoring has a strong presence among leading companies, including 92% of the Fortune 500, according to research done by my company. Yet despite this, myths about mentoring still abound. The data show real, measurable benefits to mentoring—from increased self-confidence to better job satisfaction. Still, misinformation leads to myths, which lead to roadblocks to launching programs. Here are the top five mentoring myths I hear the most often.