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– Bringing You The Latest In Employee Mentoring –



Author: Diana Courtney-Smith

  • What’s in it for (ME)ntees?

    What’s in it for (ME)ntees?

    The Benefits of Mentoring for Mentees When a mentee joins a mentoring program, there’s a threshold expectation that certain things are going to happen: development needs are going to be identified, goals are going to be set, and the mentor is going to guide the mentee towards achieving those goals. Of course there is a lot of work that happens […]

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  • What’s in it for (ME)ntors?

    What’s in it for (ME)ntors?

    The Benefits of Mentoring for Mentors Most people believe that mentorship is beneficial for the mentees but what’s in it for the mentors? Here are some of the conventional and not so conventional benefits of becoming a mentor, along with quotes from mentors and tips for your organizations’ mentoring success!

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